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Dear higher powers of political remix makers, 














It’s me again, Molly here. My remix is up and running but I realized something in the process. Is a remix every really finished? There will always be outlets of media that will rise to the surface, and that one piece of media can shape a commentary in a totally different approach.


The Headliners 

In my research, I was most intrigued by the headlines and the titles of the existing medias. It wasn’t hard to find men and women of the press asking offensive and inappropriate questions to women in their own industry. However, I was surprised with the commonality of how their reactions were twisted. The questions were inappropriate without debate; however, their reactions were commonly pinned as aggressive or short fused. The point of my remix was to capture the grace and success in these women when faced with arrogance, not the arrogance itself. In most responses, the individuals answered with comical bafflement and sometimes with a hint of clash. 



Microaggression Obsessions 

I have this obsession with microaggressions in society. I strongly believe that we should all be obsessed with microaggressions and how they affect ourselves and the people surrounding us. In the simplest of terms, a microaggression is what it is broken down to be. A microaggression is a small aggression, reaction or response to any occurrence. Here’s the catch, what follows the microaggression isn’t always micro-sized. Think about it, these women are celebrating their careers, success and more but the interviewer asks them about their dieting choices. Specifically, Scarlett Johansson observes her costar being asked about his role in the movie in depth and she is asked what she eats by the same interviewer. I hoped to capture this ideology in my remix; a compilation of microaggressions that seem ordinary unless organized and streamed together. 


Feature vs. Remix

When considering both works, I was reminded of the meaning of ‘post’ in a term like postcolonialism. The definition of postcolonialism being after the beginning of colonialism, not the end, because imperialism continues and isn’t finished. My feature and my remix are both after the beginning of something; I’m not really sure what that something is but it isn’t the end. The implications of my subjects in both pieces will continue to have a ripple effect into society with numerous repercussions, good or bad. 


Personally, I struggled less with the feature than the remix. It was most definitely a challenge to consider women’s literature from a broad spectrum, however, I was more familiar with the outlet of creative thought; that outlet being writing. I have limited experience with video editing and after concluding my remix, I have the utmost respect for those with an abundance of experience with video editing. That stuff is hard. I enjoy being in control of my argument, whether that be revealing my argument or never doing so. I would rather be faced with straight forward thought than muddled perspective. For lack of better analogy, I like my surfaces windexed twice over. 


My Audience 

Melissa McCarthy said it for me, I want my audience to be the daughters. Okay I will be less specific; I want my audience to be towards the female population of artists and creators. I feel as if that sphere is trying to be to be halted and I hope to change that reality. I want my audience to be individuals that have been told they cannot do something or that they are less than something. The sad thing is, sometimes that person telling you that is yourself. Let’s work on changing that truth. 

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